WOUND arose to satisfy the desire for clever, daring, iconoclastic alternatives to current available menswear.   Wounds and heartbreaks shape our identity. Aligned with the Japanese aesthetic philosophy of wabi-sabi, beauty is found in the imperfect, inpermanent and incomplete.  Not to be confused with a lack of quality, but instead a departure point.  Each piece receives a treatment to distinguish the garment and it's maker's as humble within nature, at times a small detail known only to the wearer.  WOUND offers a wardrobe consisting of streetwear, casual styles, and tailored, formal ensembles.  WOUND exists because there are still rules left to be broken!

WOUND is for dukes, foriegners, stylish men and the ladies who love them, men on missions, travellers, pilots, fishermen, spys, businessmen, rappers, superstars, royalty, celebrities, primitive man, goat herders, noisemakers, island owners, self-made men, manly men, athletes, equestrians, dandies, an investor, people of the world.

Formerly a partnership, Sarah Lapinski runs WOUND independently.  She is a self-taught, award-winning designer and seamstress.  Her work is carried in boutiques, galleries and museums and has appeared in numerous local and national publications.  


 In January, 2007, Motor City Sewing was opened to  produce WOUND and other upstart labels.  After 2 years of hibernating, WOUND is ready to get back on the charts.  Restyled, revitalized, retooled!

Our Clothes on Your Chest